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我在nordstrom退货专门问了下covid期间退到店里的货物怎么处理,nordstrom和nordstrom rack都在继续接受店里退货,并且退货都不直接放回floor,而是隔离起来4-7天。不理解为啥nordstrom做得到,优衣库就做不到了

[已过期] Uniqlo 季末折扣区男女服饰热卖

$3.9起 首单免邮+立减$10

2524 3083 2309
我没有生气哈,主要是摆事实讲道理的过程很有意思。法律在绝大部分情况下规定是很明确的,如果都是灰色地带都靠律师去运作,那法律也太落后和太可笑了。作为律师,当然要fight for clients  best interest,但是法律不是这么规定的或者你做的不是法律许可的,而我还硬要说我可以help you get whatever you want,这是真正的对客户不负责,可能只想骗representation fee而不顾案件结果吧,这样的律师迟早会被告malpractice的。我practice到现在是第六年了,对法律还是充满浪漫的幻想(对自己的事业没有浪漫的幻想难道不是很可悲吗?)我也没有try to educate you about the law,只是以我的角度根据你告诉大家的事实做分析。

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
I tried. 可惜有的人还是觉得自己很有道理😂

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
I didn’t say punitive penalty is an issue here (damage doesn’t equal to penalty but I guess you took them same). You unwillingness to return doesn’t justify you getting a full refund while keeping the items they shipped. Forgot to mention it in the last response, you were a victim in the first place, but wrongfully requested a full refund meanwhile keeping the items they shipped—that turns Nd into a victim. You don’t have to reply me any more as I feel out that you are just living in a bubble.

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
Yay I don’t get it. I don’t get it how your analogy can even justify your behavior—if it did happen in a mall, when they asked you to go back to the first floor, would you ask the mall to let you keep the item a and also a full refund for items abc?? You won’t do that IRL and nobody with sanity would do that. And I don’t get it how your unwillingness to return would justify that. MORALLY, in your hypothetical situation, you can accuse Nd and it’s sales, but LEGALLY, you can only ask a refund of $20. An irrelevant btw but also relevant bc you mentioned it first—I would never represent a client like you, hard to reason with. Attorneys fight for your legitimate rights but not something you have no rights at all.

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
Well I can see there’s misconception of “partial performance”—partial performance never requires multiple contracts. Partial performance happened in your singular contract—they shipped part of your order. After Nd’s partial performance, you can ask them keep performing if they could (if they have inventories for a replacement), or rescind the contract completely. What you are not entitled to do is to request punitive damages, which you did as you kept $20 worth products and asked for a full refund. You can only do that way if you can prove Nd committed a tort to you.

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
I’ve been rooting for consumer rights, but I don’t stand with twisted so-called consumer rights. An abusive use of so-called consumer right is only a tool benefiting someone doesn’t deserve it and hurt businesses.

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
Nd sent you a part of your order which worth’s $20, that’s partial performance, otherwise you are welcome to enlighten me how to define it. Also, I don’t like analogy in legal analysis, because certain concepts are not applicable—a tiny change of the situation can change a whole lot. As I said in my previous comment, not all remedies are applicable for your purchase from ND, similarly not all remedies are applicable for your hypothetical situation of a service contract of pairing your house. In your hypothetical scenario, a remedy of specific performance (keep painting the whole house) for a service contract; in ND case, if they have inventory, you surely can request a remedy of specific performance (ask them to ship a replacement); but as you said, they sold out the product you ordered, so specific performance is not an available remedy and left nothing but rescission of unfulfilled part as a remedy.

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
作为律师看到你的理由我看不下去了。你和nd有合同是对的,他们没有送到一部分订单他们违约也是对的,整个事情错就错在你要求的违约救济。违约之后你可以要求撤销没有履行的合同(退没有送到的订单的钱)或者继续履行(让他们再发订单),此外还有其他几种救济方法但是不适用现在的情况,你可以google remedies for breach of contract。你现在拿着收到的货物要求退款,要求的退款里还包含了收到的货物,这在生活里叫死乞白赖白占便宜,在法律上叫“如果成立的话”叫惩罚性赔偿,美国法律的规定是,对于违约不适用惩罚性赔偿,如果违约对你造成了侵权(tort,和中文翻译不完全对应,你可以google),防止你说我瞎编,你可以wiki看看punitive damages—“the general rule is that punitive damages can not be awarded for breach of contract,but if an independent tort is committed in a contractual setting, punitive damages can be awarded for THE TORT”。法律上你站不住脚,nd允许这么做了也不代表你就做对了。

[已过期] Nordstrom 清仓特卖 Longchamp 饺子包$108 印花短裙$18

低至3折 收Gucci乐福鞋

3552 4198 2681
