  • 黄焖鸡饭套餐
  • 黄焖鸡饭套餐
  • 黄焖鸡饭套餐


2021-09-05 发布

最新评论 1


:I usually don't give a bad review to a restaurant at random. This is very first time I have such an experience of wanting to write a bad review. I feel very sad. When we got the food, it was all sprinkled. In order to save the cost, The restaurant put four servings of food at one bag ,calling the front desk with a bad attitude, yelling at us and accusing the guests of lying. I was contacted the boss Winnie ,She also had a bad attitude. He didn't care about the feelings of the guests. He also said that the soup would not affect our eating. Very poor experience as a customer, I will never go to this restaurant again, forever on my blacklist. Don’t wast money here for nothing . 我一般不会写差评,但是觉得太生气了,这家餐厅的前台到老板都不知道怎么做服务。拿到的餐全部撒了,为了节省钱把4份餐放在一个袋子里。打电话给前台,前台还大吼大叫态度恶劣,叫我“大姐”非常不尊重客户,不听客户的需求,自己一直扯着嗓子吼,自己有问题还说客人撒谎诬陷她。联系上老板Winnie之后前面还好,后面也开始大叫并说“就算汤倒了也不影响你们吃?”从老板的态度就知道为什么前台会有那么糟糕的服务了。感觉到特别的不被重视,这附近有很多小餐厅可是人家服务就特别好,从来没遇到这么差劲的餐厅体验!

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